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ATTENTION: Change can be done from any display phone set
  1. Push "On/Off" button (do not pick up handset)
  2. Push "Program" button (top right)
  3. Push star key (*) twice (**) then press the "CONF" key
  4. Then enter 000 and "HOLD" key. Display should ask for time data
  5. Enter as follows: YYMMDD **Note: to clear an entry or existing data, press the "FLASH" key**
  6. Push "HOLD" key and the time data should display
  7. Enter hours and minutes in military time (e.g. 0900 for 9:00a.m. and 1400 for 2:00p.m., etc.) and then push "HOLD" key.
  8. Display should then ask for "Day of Week". Enter day of week codes as follows: 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday and so on. Then push "HOLD" button to store information and push "On/Off"
  9. Finish programming by pushing the "On/Off" button to store information


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